Scp Containment Breach Spawn Item

2020. 2. 9. 01:25카테고리 없음

  1. Cheats For Scp Containment Breach
  2. Scp Containment Breach Item Names
  3. How To Get Scp Containment Breach

This works as a suggestion board right? If so I will start first by putting one of the 303 ideas I posted earlier on here. Normally most 303 suggestions break the game by trapping the player in one area and rely on 106 or 049 teleporting in to attack the player, but that seemed annoying to me. I separated the idea into three parts to prevent a wall of words.PART ONE: My idea for SCP-303 was for it to be a one time event blocking the large door to 914.

You would have to get the level three keycard from somewhere else in the light containment zone in order to turn on the power to the large door. In the observation room you can see part of 303 through the window. Where the level 3 card is placed is up to you, but maybe it could be in 372's containment chamber or a new room (a random example being a containment chamber for 066).PART TWO: After you restore power to the large door you can either press the button to open the door or 079 could manually open the large door in the hope that 303 kills you (whichever is easier to implement). If you left the door to the observation room open the power goes out and you die, but if you closed it you survive.PART THREE: OPTIONAL: After the large door is open the observation door will be blocked with 303 (it is still outside the window). All you would need to do is close the blinds. After about five seconds 303 would leave.+6 votes. So i was reading few comments on page about SCP proposals and i was thinking of making my own of peoples requests.SCP-303:It would spawn behind door of locations where player requires to go or would help player in game to go to.

(303 will only spawn inside of the rooms to make sure player wont get trapped)Example: SCP-303 will spawn behind door to 914 chamber or behind Door where player first time encounters SCP-049. Before player opens the door, he must listen for wheezing that will tell if 303 spawned behind door or not. If wheezing stops or isnt heard, player is safe to enter. If player still hears wheezing but opens door anyway, player will get killed by 303.It would make gameplay abit more challanging once being chased by SCP andrunning into room 303 was in.SCP-2521:It would spawn anywhere where its document would appear and take it but if player reads document aswell, 2521 will take player aswell killing him.Example: Player would interact with SCP-1162 that would cause 1162 to drop 2521 document. With how you gave feedback on other people's idea I thought I might give you some feedback on yours (I hope this isn't against the rules).1. There were two reasons I despised the 303 having to use 049 / 106 to attack.

Can be rung to spawn SCP-513-1 No 513-1 Euclid v0.8 Spawned when SCP-513 is rung Yes 682 Keter v0.3 Can only be seen at the Gate B ending Yes 714 Safe v0.6.4 Negates the bad effects from various other SCP's No 895 Euclid v0.1 Causes you to have various hallusinations No 914 Safe v0.1 Refines and renews items No 990 Keter v0.2. Jul 19, 2017  SCP - Containment Breach Mod Adds blocks and creatures from the survival horror game SCP - Containment Breach. Are you planning on adding a blinking system? And how are item SCP's like 1499 1025 and 714 etc going to spawn? #35 May 21, 2017. Like the way, you spawn the scp's and the way the blink mechanic work and how scp 173 moves.

Scp Containment Breach Spawn Item

The first was that is was unfair. You solved that problem. The second was that it felt like 303 wasn't a threat. Your idea makes him a threat, but also isn't completely lore friendly. (The main reason I had 303 appear in 914 on my idea was because the door has a power switch near it. If I could add one thing to my 914 idea it would be listing the cause of death as a heart attack due to fear since it is always unclear if 303 can attack someone or not.)2. 2521 only takes people when they say what it is out loud.


It would be jarring to hear the main character read out loud only 2521's article. I do like the idea of some poor soul reading a picture document (that 2521 doesn't take because while the foundation might be dumb in the containment breach universe I doubt they would be stupid enough to completely ignore containment procedures.) out loud and getting taken tho. I recommend it being a D-class since any scientist, janitor, or MTF that has worked for longer than five minutes knows that if something isn't in its usual format it isn't a good idea to mess with it if you don't know what it is. Maybe it could be an event in room3office since that room isn't used for anything?3. I think that SCP was in a previous version, but got removed.

SCP – Containment Breach is a free and open source indie supernatural horror video game developed by Joonas Rikkonen. It is based on the paranormal fiction s.

If it gets added back in it should be able to be cured with SCP-500 and the heal command.4. I think the problem with that is location and that 087-b is technically a separate instance of 087. You could easily fix both of them with a handwave explanation that reality is breaking down. Maybe a note / monitor from one of the scientists stating that it might be reclassified since it teleported and merged with 087-B. I do recommend making 087 have a bottom tho.

Maybe you could get an achievement for doing so?EDIT: I think instead of replying to Erov15 I managed to somehow post a new comment. I have no idea how that happened.+3 votes. Well if your talking about your suggestion about 303 i do really like it. The only two things i'd say is maybe instead of level 3 key-card the power room should had its own key-card due to fact that i think level 3 key-card should be only obtainable by 914 or with low chance by 1162.And maybe 303 wouldnt appear only once but maybe in light contaiment zone, heavy and entrance. For example 303 would appear in every location that going to would make game easier for player such as 914, Containing 106 and 860 room. Thats just my sugesstions though, overall i really like your 303 mechanic proposal.+1 vote. I will explain myself on that with two things.

Cheats For Scp Containment Breach

(I can make ideas, but am horrible at explaining them.)The first the was that 914 isn't mainly for the keycard. It is also for the super gas mask. You can also get the keycard without either of those things from by going through the pocket dimension. My idea was not only for the 303 things mentioned above, but also to extend the length of the game while slightly nerfing 914 in a way that isn't frustrating to the player (adding in a random chance for the level 3 keycard for example is something I didn't want to happen) Giving 914 a keycard just for that observation room seems impractical both for the foundation and for the game. Once the player gets a level 3 keycard they can explore different areas and eventually come back to 914 to solve the puzzle, but it won't seem like a requirement to win the game.The second thing I forgot to add in the original post, but 303 could also be heard in different areas behind doors you could never enter (the pit corner room in the HCZ and the server room in the Entrance Zone.)Sorry if I messed this post up.+2 votes. Weapons should be added but not necessarily firearms.

999 doesn't sound scary. It just sounds annoying. Also what is stopping you from sprinting with the super gas mask?2. That sounds more like an easter egg than a threat.

Scp Containment Breach Item Names

(That said I could imagine throwing it into 914 on rough.)3. There are multiple problems with that idea, but the main one is that you have to go through room2servers multiple times in certain maps. If you go through the room and end up at an endroom you are doomed through no mistake of your own.4. The two biggest problems with this are that the cafeteria isn't large enough to handle 469 and that the cafeteria is already crowded enough with 066 and 294.+1 vote.

How To Get Scp Containment Breach

I have two small ideas to improve the game. They are probably very easy to add in.1. In the elevator guard event if you get too close to the guard you are shot. (This prevents the player from going into the elevator during the event.)2. 106's room appears to be the last Heavy Containment Zone room with Light Containment Zone walls. Maybe the walls can be changed?BONUS: Maybe the tile floor at the bottom of 106's chamber (the top of the chamber near the label has a concrete floor under the metal, but the rest is tile floor. You can decide if the control / observation room looks better with tile or concrete.) and at the bottom of the large Heavy Containment Zone testroom could be a concrete floor instead like in room3?+1 vote.